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Table 2 Number (percent) who reported requesting full blood count, renal and liver function tests by csDMARD, N = 210#

From: Attitudes and practices in the laboratory monitoring of conventional synthetic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs by rheumatologists and rheumatology trainees


FBC (N, %)*

eGFR (N, %)*

LFT (N, %)*

None (N, %)*

Drug not prescribed (N, %)*


209 (100%)

199 (95%)

210 (100%)

2 (1%)

0 (0%)


205 (98%)

186 (89%)

204 (97%)

1 (0%)

5 (2%)


204 (97%)

175 (83%)

201 (96%)

3 (1%)

3 (1%)


76 (36%)

68 (32%)

60 (29%)

128 (61%)

0 (0%)


208 (99%)

187 (89%)

206 (98%)

1 (0%)

2 (1%)


202 (96%)

185 (88%)

195 (93%)

2 (1%)

8 (4%)

Tacrolimus and other Calcineurin Inhibitors

135 (64%)

134 (64%)

129 (61%)

3 (1%)

74 (35%)

  1. FBC full blood count, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, LFT liver function tests
  2. #Laboratory monitoring data unavailable for whole cohort (N = 221)
  3. *Percentages are all rounded to the nearest whole number (including 0 and 100) and thus some differing raw numbers show the same percent and non-0 raw numbers may show 0%