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Table 1 Classification for drug-related problems

From: Drug-related problems reported by patients with rheumatic diseases: an observational study



(Suspected) side effects

All problems regarding undesired effects that occur when using medication. Suspected side effects (i.e., when the cause of a side effect might be related to medication for a patient’s rheumatic disease) also fall under this type.

Medication management

All problems regarding opening medication packaging, administering and storing medication, travelling with medication, and medication adherence.

Medication concerns

All problems regarding concerns and fears related to medication use. Includes concerns about long-term effectiveness, long-term side effects and toxicity, among others.

Medication effectiveness

All problems regarding the experience of health problems related to the underlying disease (i.e., pain, inflammation, etc.) that are currently under- or overtreated. Problems regarding effectiveness and dosage reduction also fall under this type.

Information needs

All problems in which a patient explicitly requests for additional information, for example regarding long-term effects or mechanism of action for a specific drug.


All problems regarding contra-indications that prevent a patient from using their drug(s) as intended.


All problems regarding delivery, brand or brand changes of medication, and pharmacy service.