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Table 1 Attributes and levels in choice questions

From: Physical function and severe side effects matter most to patients with RA (< 5 years): a discrete choice experiment assessing preferences for personalized RA treatment


Level 1 (ref)

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Physical functional capacity:

My ability to perform daily physical chores and activities (such as work, studies and household, family and leisure activities). Imagine a scale where the starting point is when your treatment is not working. The distance to full physical functional capacity is presented as percentages with the following levels:

Improved by 25%

Improved by 50%

Improved by 75%

Full functional capacity 100%

Psychosocial functional capacity:

How I feel about life and my ability to manage daily psychosocial activities. Imagine a scale where the starting point is when you feel mentally bad about yourself. The distance to full psychosocial functional capacity is presented as percentages with the following levels:

Improved by 25%

Improved by 50%

Improved by 75%

Full functional capacity 100%

Frequency of mild side effects:

Mild side effects are often temporary and go away after a couple of days. Some examples of mild side effects are headache and nausea. People can experience side effects in different ways. The levels are described as:

Low, a few times during a 3-month

Medium, a few times during a month

High, a few times during a week period


Likelihood of severe side effects:

The likelihood of getting a severe side effect, such as a serious infection or an allergic reaction can differ between therapies. The levels are described as:


1 out of 1,000 can get the side effect

Common, 1 out of 100 can get the side effect

Very common, 1 out of 10 can get the side effect