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Table 1 Characteristics of individuals with an antinuclear antibody test

From: Clinical diagnoses associated with a positive antinuclear antibody test in patients with and without autoimmune disease


ANA tested cohort

(n = 70,043)

ANA positive

(n = 26,579)

ANA negative

(n = 43,464)

Female (%)

48,051 (68.6%)

20,755 (78.1%)

27,296 (62.8%)

White race (%)a

52,475 (74.9%)

19,857 (74.7%)

32,618 (75%)

Year of birth

1963 [1951, 1977]

1962 [1950, 1976]

1963 [1952, 1978]

Age at testing (years)

48.4 [34.5, 59.7]

49.9 [35.9, 61.3]

47.5 [33.7, 58.6]

Length of FU (years)

7.09 [1.88, 13.10]

7.23 [1.92, 13.04]

7.01 [1.85, 13.14]

  1. ANA Antinuclear antibodies, FU Follow-up
  2. aRace recorded as white in the electronic heath record (EHR). Data are shown as counts (percentage) for categorical variables and median [interquartile range] for continuous variables