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Table 1 Structure of the intervention

From: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multimodal, physiotherapist-led, vocational intervention in people with inflammatory arthritis: study protocol of the Physiotherapy WORKs trial




Content of step


Unravelling the participants’ work-related problems in relation to RA/axSpA

Preparation of the first face-to-face consultation with the PT

Participants provide information about their work context using parts of a previously developed questionnaire by de Buck et al. [42]. This information and the three specific (work-related) limitations in physical functioning as measured with the PSC NRS by the researchers before randomization, will be shared with the PT


First consultation

The PT performs a systematic assessment aimed at clarifying the RA/axSpA-related work problems and problems encountered in daily life, during a semi-structured dialogue with elements of motivational interviewing using the patient specific goal setting approach (PSG) [43]. During this dialogue, participants are supported to define relevant work treatment goals aligned to their specific (work-related) limitations in physical functioning


Developing a personalized, multi-modal treatment plan

Second consultation

A personalized treatment plan will be formulated including treatment modalities and frequency of supervision, based on the participants’ needs and preferences in a shared decision making dialogue with the PT. PTs are offered a decision tree and form, to guide them in personalizing the intervention to the participants’ needs


Execution of the personalized, multi-modal plan

4 to 10 face-to-face sessions within the first 3 months

Comprising of the following treatment modalities:

1. Personalized exercise therapy including a personal physical activity plan

2. Personalized education and self-management support

3. Personalized ‘work-roadmap’

Optionally (if considered beneficial by PT and agreed by the participant):

• A workplace examination

• An online self-management course


Monitoring of the personalized, multi-modal plan

4 to 9 ‘booster’ sessions within the following 9-months (online, telephone-based or face-to-face)

To facilitate and guide adherence to the formulated treatment plan and to check the achievement of treatment goals