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Table 1 SPA local pilot – expectation for student participation

From: The student patient alliance: development and formative evaluation of an initiative to support collaborations between patient and public involvement partners and doctoral students

Students taking part in the SPA pilot were asked to complete the following actions:

• Take the lead in contacting their PPI partner(s) and facilitate their involvement

• Provide feedback to PPI partners on the impact of their involvement

• Record PPI activities, impact and any feedback given to their partner(s) about the impact of their involvement (using the standardised form available as Supplementary Material 1)

• Ensure any face-to-face meetings were held on university/hospital premises

• Work with their PPI partner to develop at least one of the following:

o plain English language summary of their research area/ findings

o article/video for R2P2 website

o elevator-pitch speech (a one-minute impactful summary of their research)

o poster/oral presentation for a general audience

o public engagement activity/event

• Attend progress and evaluation meetings together with PPI partners