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Table 2 Patient survey—overall satisfaction with current arthritis medication

From: Clinician and patient views on janus kinase inhibitors in the treatment of inflammatory arthritis: a mixed methods study


Illustrative quotes

For patients currently on a biologic:

Benefits of biologics

“The biologics medication [etanercept] made a big difference to my inflammation/DAS [disease activity score]…etc. Better than methotrexate alone & couple of other meds [medications] that were tried.”—Patient 70 (RA, East of England)

“With the arthritis side, the taltz [ixekizumab] worked immediately and I could go back to the gym…”—Patient 113 (PsA, Greater London)

“Can tolerate abatacept without noticeable side effects. Seems to still work fine.”—Patient 49 (RA, North East England)

Drawbacks of biologics

“It [etanercept] generally keeps my condition under control but it is still active with continued joint deterioration or deformation.”—Patient 45 (RA, Wales)

“I feel that it works but wears off [secukinumab] and injections are painful”—Patient 131 (PsA, West Midlands)

“Due to COVID, not wanting to take a biologic [etanercept] that stays in my system more than a week.”—Patient 123 (PsA, South West England)

For patients currently on a JAKi:

Journey onto JAKi

“I went through so many other drugs—tabs [tablets], injs [injections] & iv [intravenous] infusions. I had a lot of unpleasant side effects with them.”—Patient 100 (RA, West Midlands)

“Had tried several biologics, had reaction to them all: rash, liver function.”—Patient 107 (RA, Wales)

Benefits of JAKi

“Since starting baricitinib…I feel better than I have done in several years. I can do normal day to day jobs with no joint pain. I can walk instead of being pushed about in a wheelchair. I've got my life back.”—Patient 105 (RA, West Midlands)

“My PsA has been uncontrolled for a long time as I have failed 5 biologics and all DMARDs [disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs]. This [tofacitinib] has given me better relief than any others…”—Patient 14 (PsA, Greater London)

“It [baricitinib] keeps my disease under control and I can stop it at short notice if I have an infection. It kicks in fast once I restart it. Also convenient to travel with as a tablet and no more injections (which I hated)!”—Patient 85 (RA, Greater London)

Drawbacks of JAKi

“Neutropenia and reasonable but not ideal effectiveness, plus lots of side effects [on tofacitinib].”—Patient 7 (PsA, North East England)

“Baricitinib worked really well for me initially but in the last couple of months I feel it hasn't been quite as effective.”—Patient 90 (RA, Scotland)

“Joints are good but I’ve just had a severe bout of shingles [on baricitinib].”—Patient 91 (RA, South East England)

  1. JAKi janus kinase inhibitor, PsA psoriatic arthritis, RA rheumatoid arthritis