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Table 3 Hazard ratios from mixed effects cox regression models with participants that received IAC injections in the knee only

From: Comparison of efficacy between triamcinolone acetonide and triamcinolone hexacetonide for intraarticular therapy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a retrospective analysis


Hazards ratio (95% CI)

p value

Injection: TH versus TA

0.131 (0.052, 0.322)

< 0.001*

Age in years

0.946 (0.831, 1.077)


Females versus males

0.407 (0.104, 1.593)


JIA diagnosis: oligo versus other

0.208 (0.055, 0.782)


Ethnicity: white versus other

0.536 (0.010, 2.882)


  1. Sample size is 21 participants with 86 injections, and nine participants received both IAC injection types. The mixed effects cox model included age, sex, ethnicity, and JIA diagnosis (oligo vs. other (poly, psoriatic, and ERA)) as covariates
  2. *Denotes p value < 0.05